Free Background Checks
But Jesus called for them and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.” – Luke 18:16
The Discipleship Ministry Team offers Free Background Checks for your staff, volunteers, and anyone that works with children and youth! This is a free service to our presbyteries and congregations. Background checks are made available for the purpose of assisting congregations and presbyteries in upholding their strong commitment to the physical and spiritual growth and safety of all our children and youth.
NOTE: Our background checks are performed using public records. The criminal check covers all states except Washington D.C., South Dakota and Wyoming and our Sex Offender check covers all the US.
Information Required from Applicants
Your current legal name in FULL including middle name(s) (enter “NONE” if no middle name)
Any previous legal names in FULL including middle name(s) (enter “NONE” if no middle name)
Date of Birth
Your email address (to send confirmation) and contact number (will only be used if there is a problem with your submission.
The name of the church/organization requesting the background check (and Presbytery if known or applicable)
The name and email address of the person who should receive the results of your background check
Applicants (persons who require a background check) complete an online release and disclosure agreement by pressing the button above.
Confirmation will be sent to the applicant via email to acknowledging the submission of their form.
The person designated to receive the results of the background check (within the church/organization requesting the check) will be notified that the applicant has submitted their release and disclosure agreement form.
The DMT will process the check and send the results to the designated recipient via email. within 14 days.
The church/organization should follow the guidance in the “Next Steps” section of the guidance document (available below in “guidance for churches/organizations).
Guidance for Churches/Organizations
The DMT offers a background check as part of a each church/organization’s own safe sanctuary process. Click below to read our guidance on Performing a Background Check.
Click below
Should you have any questions or need any assistance, please contact DMT leader, Elinor Brown at esb@cumberland.org or 901-276-4572 ext 205.
When filling out the "Designated Recipient of Background Results" area of the form please match it to below!
Name of the person who asked you to complete this check:*
(The director you will work for).
The email address of the person who asked you to complete the check:*
Name of Congregation / Group requesting the background check:*
(Camp Peniel)
Presbytery of the Congregation / Group:*
(Arkansas Presbytery)
Reason for Check:*